Cigar Types
Cigar Types. The best types of cigars. World famous cigars that you must try at least once in your lifetime.
Types of Cigars
Cuban Famous Cigars
Trinidad Cuban Cigar
Named after one of Cuba’s most beautiful cities, Trinidad was Castro’s personal favorite. This medium to full-bodied smoke cigar was first marketed in 1998, though it had been around since 1969.
H. Upman Cuban Cigar
In the 1800s, the Herman Upmann cigar brand won seven gold medals in seven international exhibitions. These mild to medium smoke cigars are very smooth and great for beginners.
Expensive Cigars
Ashton VSG
Dominican Republic
The Ashton Virgin Sun Grown (VSG) cigars blend tobacco that has been aged for at least four years. Made in Santiago, these cigars produce a rich smoke stronger than most Dominican cigars.
Hoyo de Monterrey Excalibur
One of the most popular cigars, the Hoyo de Monterrey Excalibur produces a rich medium to full bodied smoke. Initiated by Lew Rothman and Rank Llanez, this is an excellent, well made cigar. You may have also heard of its sister brands, Punch and El Rey del Mundo.
Padron Anniversary Series
Produced in 1994 to commemorate the company’s 30th anniversary, this series comes in nine sizes, with natural or maduro wrappers. These cigars use tobacco that is four years old, and produces smoke that is dark, rich and powerful.