How to Choose Jeans
How to Choose a Pair of Jeans
How to choose jeans? How to choose a pair of jeans. With so many different types of jeans out there, how do you choose the right jeans for you?
As a rule of thumb, simple and classic works best. Most of the new styles are fly-by-night experiments that simply go out of fashion quickly. Avoid low-slung and choose medium rise jeans, with the hem of the jeans resting just above the heel of your shoe.
As Carson Kressley humorously noted, here’s what a good pair of jeans should do for you:
- A good pair of jeans should fit and flatter.
- A good pair of jeans should feel like you’ve worn them forever.
- A good pair of jeans should make you feel at your most comfortable.
- A good pair of jeans should give you a nice basket, even if it’s not Easter.
- A good pair of jeans should make you look and feel sexy.
- A good pair of jeans should go with just about everything else in your wardrobe.
- They should get you laid. Oh, come on. Stop pretending to be shocked.
Jeans that look good on almost everyone:
Levi’s 501s
These traditional five-pocket Levi’s look good anytime, anywhere. The medium indigo wash makes a pair of good all-purpose jeans, while a dark wash is appropriate for more stylish occasions, and a white pair is good for summer.
Vintage denims
Another classic pair of jeans that will look good on almost everyone. Vintage denims and Levi’s 501s should feature in any billion dollar wardrobe.
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