J K Rowling

J.K Rowling

J K Rowling Biography, Photos, Quotes, Books, Contacts, Secret, Life Story.

All about J.K Rowling, Joanne Rowling and the JK Rowling net worth.

Joanne Rowling

How did her real name ‘Joanne Rowling’ become her pen name ‘J.K. Rowling’? This use of initials in her pen name was due to her publisher’s fear that part of her target audience – young boys – may be hesitant about buying female-authored books.

Joanne Kathleen Rowling

Rowling never had a middle name – the middle name ‘Kathleeen’ was a fabrication derived from the name of her paternal grandmother.

Joanne K Rowling

Nonetheless, most people call Rowling ‘Jo’ instead of Joanne, which is usually only reserved for argumentative situations.

JK Rowling Net Worth

JK Rowling is currently worth 1.0 billion, making her the first person to become a billionaire primarily through book-writing. She was named by Forbes as the 1062nd richest person in the world in 2006.

Harry Potter JK Rowling Books

JK Rowling is probably most famous for her Harry Potter series. All about the JK Rowling Harry Potter book and the Harry Potter J.K Rowling relationship.

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