Omega 3 Side Effects

Omega 3 Side Effects. Fish side effects, tuna side effects and salmon side effects to be careful about.

All about Omega 3 Side Effects

Since Omega 3 also acts as a blood thinner, abnormal bleeding may occur if you are also on anti-coagulant medication at the same time. One common example would be Coumadin. To prevent these side effects of omega 3, be sure to consult a doctor before taking omega 3 supplements.

Side Effects of Omega 3

An overdose of fish oil can also cause other side effects such as diarrhea, nausea and bloating. You might sense a ‘fishy’ odor in your breath if you overdose on fish oil supplements. To counteract this, start from a low dose and gradually work toward your recommended daily intake. Make sure that you check with your physician before purchasing any over-the-counter supplements.

Mercury Side Effects

Fish is the main source of Omega 3, but a possible negative side-effect of high fish consumption is undesirable toxic mercury levels. This is an issue on strong concern for children and pregnant women. As a rule of thumb, consuming salmon instead of tuna or sardines would significantly lower the risk of mercury poisoning. Alaska salmon in its fresh, frozen or canned variations are all extremely healthy and safe choices; this type of salmon produces the highest amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

If you are taking omega 3 fish oil supplements, check the labels to make sure that there has been an extensive filtration process to remove the toxic mercury. Cheaper brands may omit this crucial step in the product preparation process. Get pharmaceutical grade fish oil to ensure that you are getting top quality fish oil.

Fish Oil Supplements, not Fish Oil Liver

The main difference between fish oil supplements and fish oil liver supplements is that the latter also contains Vitamins A and D. If taken in excessive amounts, these vitamins can be toxic.

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