Best Sympathy Quotes and Quotations of All Time

Looking for the sympathy quotes and quotations? Here are the most cherished.

Best Sympathy Quotations and Quotes 1

To be in one’s own heart in kindly sympathy with all things; this is the nature of righteousness.
– Confucius

Best Sympathy Quotations and Quotes 2

Next to love, sympathy is the divinest passion of the human heart.
– Edmund Burke

Best Sympathy Quotations and Quotes 3

Of a truth, men are mystically united: a mystic bond of brotherhood makes all men one.
– Thomas Carlyle

Best Sympathy Quotations and Quotes 4

The secrets of life are not shown except to sympathy and likeness.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Best Sympathy Quotations and Quotes 5

For thou hast given me in this beauteous face – A world of earthly blessings to my soul, If sympathy of love unite our thoughts.
– Shakespeare

More of the Best Sympathy Quotes

Best Sympathy Quotations and Quotes 6

For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity.
– William Penn

Best Sympathy Quotations and Quotes 7

To live in hearts we leave behind / Is not to die.
– Thomas Campbell

Best Sympathy Quotations and Quotes 8

I can sympathize with everything, except suffering.
– Oscar Wilde

Best Sympathy Quotations and Quotes 9

Friends are the pillars on your porch. Sometimes they hold you up, sometimes they lean on you, and sometimes it’s just enough to know that they are standing by.

Best Sympathy Quotations and Quotes 10

His morality is all sympathy, just what morality should be
– Oscar Wilde

Best Sympathy Quotations and Quotes 11

Sympathy constitutes friendship; but in love there is a sort of antipathy, or opposing passion. Each strives to be the other, and both together make up one whole.
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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